Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Our new Saige!

Wow, been busy since last blog. It seems that despite my best intentions I cannot get on the computer and update everyday but it's a start and maybe like a good wine I'll get better with time. I have narrowed it down to the need to establish a habit. I am pretty good with habits so once its in the routine...it's there to stay. Some pretty significant things have gone on since last blog. Firstly, upon telling saige that she needed a haircut before school going back she confidently told me that she wanted it all chopped off! "Really ?" I said, "Are you sure?" To which she answered "Yes Mum, when can we do it?" And true to her word she did not falter. Even though many people questioned her, she never wavered and I admire her self confidence for it. Not to mention the fact that she simply looked stunning. Such a big change and it made her look so grown up! Stop it....no more growing up. Here are some photos of the tranformation.

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